Our official translations are accepted by more than 1600 entities national and international academic, migratory, educational, governmental and professional.
Do you need an official translation for procedures in Colombia? Official translations from Traductores.co meet all the requirements to be accepted as official by all government entities in the country, as well as any joint or private company in Colombia:
Do you need an official translation to process a visa? Our official translations meet all requirements for immigration, academic, business or vacation purposes. The following are just some of the entities that accept official or certified translations from Traductores.co internationally:
Remember that you may need to apostillise your original documents before requesting their translation. If you have doubts about how to proceed, we invite you to read our guide with The Most Common Questions About Official Translations in Colombia.
How will I receive my official translations?
Each of our official or certified translations will be delivered in PDF to your email. The translation will meet all the requirements of an official or certified translation: word-for-word translation (word-for-word) preserving the original format as far as possible (tables, columns, number of pages, sources). If you require it, you can receive your official printed translations at your home. Ask for our courier service
How can I be sure that I have received a certified translation from Traductores.co?
Our official translations meet all international criteria for a certified translation. At the bottom of each translated page you will find the unique translation code, date, name, contact details, signature, stamp, certificate number of the official translator, and a declaration of authenticity of the official translation.
Does Traductores.co offer a verification system so that a third party can validate my official translations?
Yes. Each of our translations has a unique alphanumeric serial code used exclusively for your translations. Our support team will be available to validate the legitimacy of your translations whenever a competent authority so requests via email contacto[@]traductores.co or automatically with our Free official translation verification service.
Please do not worry, we will NEVER share the content of your translations with a third party. Our verification service only verifies that the translation you submitted is a faithful representation of the content of the source document provided by you when requesting the service.
Do official translations from Traductores.co have an expiration date?
No. Translations certified by Traductores.co DO NOT EXPIREAs long as the content of the source document has not changed, you can use the same translation in as many procedures as you require.
Do you want to verify the authenticity of your official translation?
Check the authenticity of any officially certified translation completed by the team of Traductores.co.
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